Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Chicks have hatched!

Today we went to a volunteer breakfast at Jacob's school. It was lots of fun. We sat with Kristen and Hunter and had donuts, yogurt and fruit. They had a drawing for yellow lillies and my name was drawn. Jay said it can be planted in the yard and it will come back each year. I want to do this so that it will remind me of Jacob's kindergarten year.

When breakfast was over we stopped in his classroom to see the chicks. The kids were so excited they could hardly contain themselves. Some of the eggs they had been watching and looking at with a special light to see the inside had hatched!

It was so exciting. Jacob had been giving us a chick update everyday after school and he was so excited that they had hatched.

It was also our last day of MOPS for the year. It was a quiet morning and I am so glad it is done for the summer. I had a very hard time getting excited about it this year. Not sure why. I will need to take some time to pray and think about it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fun Day

Today Jacob and I went outside while Abby was napping and we practiced riding his new bike and he played on his scooter for a while. Then he decided he wanted to draw with chalk. So we drew a whole universe with a rocket ship, an astrounaut, planets, stars and a space station. This is Jacob adding an army tank to the picture!

While we were drawing with chalk Jay came home and Jacob decided to help his dad in the back yard. Which was just in time for me to go in and make supper and to get Abby out of her crib from her nap. She sat in the kitchen with me eating crackers and feeding some to Gracie while I made homemade mini pizzas for supper before we went to Jacob's first soccer game.

Jacob's first soccer game was lots of fun. They played a full team of girls in pink t-shirts. It was very windy and got so cold the kids didn't even drink much of their waters. Jacob was more interested in free play with the Hunter's soccer ball and brothers during the times that he did not play. I'm not sure if he really likes it, but we will finish out the season. Hopefully, we can make it to June 21st!