Monday, August 3, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Today was Jacob's first day of swimming lessons. He woke up very crabby and didn't want to go. Once he was there he had a great time. He did very well following directions and when his teacher had him floating on his back and kicking his legs he laid back perfectly with his head in the water! I was such a proud mom. He had a little trouble when he had to put his face in the water and kick going forward. We forgot to bring his goggles. We will remember tomorrow. He jumped off the movable diving board with lots of excitement and with out much fear. I remember last year he was a little apprehensive. I can't wait to see him jump off the diving board at the deep end of the pool.

He is very excited to go back tomorrow.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

We like God A lot

Today while we were eating lunch Jacob asked about a picture we have hanging in our dining room. It is a picture of a country chapel in a mountain setting by Thomas Kincaid. He talked about the angels we have under the picture on the desk and the cross we have hanging on the wall. He asked if we have all these things so that when people come over they will know that we like God a lot. What a precious and sweet observation. I want us to continue teaching him so that he will know the Lord very intimately throughout his life.