Friday, April 17, 2009

A new blog

Today I decided to start a new blog to record daily memories of my kids as they grow up. Jacob is 6 and Abby is 1. Everyday is a new experience. Tonight Abby discovered Mommy's toes. Which was fun at first until she tried to bite them. She giggled and giggled when I pulled them away, but still kept trying to get them again. She is a determined little girl.

We had a busy and packed morning. A friend dropped her three boys off at our house at 8:00 am so she could go to a meeting. When she returned we went to the park and played. It was so much fun to see the kids run, climb and go down the slides. They had such a great time and looked like they were enjoying their freedom. It was a beautiful day. It was also the first time that Abby got to play on some equipment. She went on the swing and loved it. She tried to climb the steps at the toddler park but was very hesitant.

After a wonderful time at the park we went to McDonald's for lunch. The kids had a great time eating together in their own booth. Then they went to play in the Playland. Jacob saw a little boy pull down his pants and had poop running down his leg. He came running out asking where the bathroom was. He proceeded to vommit all over the floor. There was a lady and her son eating a booth away and she just glared at us. Something like this must not have ever happened to her before. It was awful.

Later we went to Target to get some food for supper and to buy something with Jacob's tooth fairy money. He lost a tooth the Friday before Easter and the Monday after on the top. He chose Walkie Talkies and has had a great time playing with them tonight. Will try to post pictures at the park and Mc Donald's tomorrow.

Jay is at a sleep test tonight. I hope he is doing okay. I am praying for him as he had some anxiety before he left tonight. I can't wait to see him in the morning!

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